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Consultation Services

We are now accepting referrals for CFSS Consultation Services!
Please call : (612)-521-2400 or Email:

We Provide Home Health Care in Minnesota

Including the Twin Cities, St. Cloud and Surrounding Areas

Minneapolis, MN’s Home Health Care Specialists

HealthMax Home Health Care is a family-owned and -operated company serving the communities of St. Paul, St. Cloud, Coon Rapids, and Minneapolis, MN. Our home health care services keep clients safe and secure by providing unique, personalized care. Our company is regionally recognized for our wide range of services to support people and enrich their lives in their homes. We are dedicated to offering every client considerate and quality home care, enabling them to carry on their daily lives with respect and dignity. Our team provides caring support so that clients can continue to do the activities they enjoy.

Our Compassionate Services for Clients

HealthMax Home Health Care performs client home care services with the utmost concern for their security and comfort. A few of our services include the following:

Personal Care Assistance

We provide support and assistance to clients with disabilities living independently through personal care assistance (PCA) services.

Home Making

Our team helps with managing general household activities like cleaning.

IHSwt (with training)

Services for people who live in their own home or family home that provide support and/or training in the community living service. This service option is provided to adults when they need support and training in at least one of the community living service categories.

Consider a Career with HealthMax Home Health Care

We are always growing our company and open to new talent to expand our team. If you are interested in a career in home health care, reach out to us to learn more about our company and apply today. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer that welcomes all applicants.

Coon Rapids Office

3037 Coon Rapids Blvd NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433, USA

Twin Cities Office

125 W Broadway Ave #102, Minneapolis, MN 55411, USA

St. Cloud Office

425 E St Germain St #101, St Cloud, MN 56304, USA

St Louis Park

8001 MN-7 ste 200, St Louis Park, MN 55426, USA

Contact Us